Professional Referrals

We understand the importance of communication and collaboration with our referring providers. We strive to make the referral process as streamlined as possible. We fully recognize the courage that it takes to seek out treatment for an eating disorder. We are here to support you and your client as they take this next step.

How We Work With Referents

We value the relationships that we have with the professionals who make referrals to our treatment center, and we have a high level of commitment to ensuring that a collaborative team effort takes place whenever referrals are made. If you are a referring professional, we make it our goal to update you throughout the course of the treatment process to ensure that there is a smooth transition back into your care once the patient’s time at Montecatini comes to an end. We believe that the involvement of referring professionals is essential to the continuity of care and the successful recovery of our patients.

Professional Referral Sources

We accept professional referrals and inquiries directly from individuals and loved ones who may benefit from the services that we offer at Montecatini.

The types of referents that we work with on an ongoing basis include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Therapists
  • Dietitians
  • Psychiatrists
  • Other eating disorder treatment centers
  • Mental health treatment centers
  • Hospitals
  • Inpatient facilities
  • Local colleges and universities
  • Insurance companies
  • Alumni

If know someone who would benefit from the compassionate and comprehensive care that we offer at Montecatini, please do not hesitate to contact us today to learn more about our eating disorder programs and services.

Montecatini taught me that I could live my life free from everything that held me back before. It was here that I gained hope, learned to trust, and learned to accept love. Now I know how to live a life worth living!

– Former Client
A Dynamic and Vibrant Healing Community
Located in scenic Carlsbad, California, three miles from the Pacific Coast.